Seriously?! This Email About Bookkeepers Had Me Shaking My Head:

Understanding The Role of Your Bookkeeper

I recently received an email with the subject line, "Why You Should Fire Your Bookkeeper," and while I usually don’t give these things much attention, this one really had me shaking my head. It basically said:

"In my experience, most bookkeepers and accountants do a decent job at the basics. But here’s the problem: too many founders assume their financial team is doing great work when, in reality, they stink. In addition, if you think your bookkeeper or accountant is going to assess your financial statements and give you strategic guidance to grow your business, you’re in even bigger trouble. Most won’t dig deep or help you make the moves you need to make."

Alright, let’s unpack that nonsense.

First off, lumping "most" bookkeepers—including CPAs, tax preparers, and anyone else on your financial team—as “terrible at their jobs” is not only ridiculous but extremely disrespectful. There are exceptional bookkeepers out there working their ass off to provide high-quality services for their clients. The real issue here isn’t that bookkeepers are useless; business owners MUST clearly articulate their needs and expectations. If you’re unclear on your expectations, have a candid conversation with your team—period. It’s not their job to read your mind; they need input to support you and your business effectively.

Your bookkeeper is already looking at your numbers, spotting trends, and likely identifying growth opportunities. But what they do with that information depends entirely on what you’ve hired them for. Just because someone is managing your books doesn’t mean that high-level strategic advice automatically comes with the package. Most business owners come in saying, “I just need the basics,” only to find, when things get challenging, that what they really want is personalized, high-touch guidance.

Here’s the kicker: most bookkeepers are not only qualified but genuinely WANT to help you with your numbers and offer you strategic guidance. We see things in your numbers that frustrate us too—things that could seriously change the game for your business. But the reality is, the low flat fees most clients are willing to pay won’t cover the in-depth support that drives real impact. The work that goes into in-depth financial analysis isn’t small. It’s complex, and it’s not something that magically appears in a “basics” package.

Here is the truth that might be tough to swallow: for bookkeeping to be truly effective, business owners must be engaged too. Your bookkeeper can’t turn your business around single-handedly, they aren’t miracle workers (I know, I wish we were too). It’s a partnership. We can point things out, highlight opportunities, and guide you, but at the end of the day, YOU have to take action on the insights we provide.

So what's the main takeaway here? Stop holding your financial team responsible for things they weren’t hired to do in the first place. Be clear about what you need from the start, and keep the lines of communication open as your needs evolve. And if your current team can’t provide that level of support, it’s okay to find someone who can. But just remember, you’ll need to put in the work on your end, too.

At Balanced Office Solutions, we’re a bookkeeping firm, and most of our amazing clients use our services at the base level. There are a few reasons for that: some may not realize we offer more, like strategic support, planning, and coaching (please reach out we would love to help); others may feel like they can't afford it; or maybe they just don’t want to get into the strategic side of things, which is totally fine.

But if you find yourself wanting that level of support, you will have to step out of your comfort zone and take a risk to see those gains. Having a strategic partner in your corner means going beyond the basics and investing in the right support for your long-term growth.

The moral of the story is simple: you have to ask for what you need. Don’t assume your bookkeeper or anyone on your team, isn’t doing something just because they haven’t mentioned it. Clear communication will make all the difference in ensuring you are receiving the support you desire for your company. If you already like and trust your team, having an open conversation about what’s possible could open up new opportunities for your business. This type of clarity will not only help your financial team better support you but also make you feel more informed in the daily decisions you make for your business. In the end, a transparent partnership means you’re both aligned on goals, making it easier to spot opportunities that can move your business forward.

We desire to meet the needs and expectations of all of our clients. Running a business is hard work—it's even harder if you are doing it without the support you need. Whether it’s managing your books, providing strategic insights, or coaching you to make stronger financial decisions that drive your business forward, we are here for you.

Let’s chat to see how we can create a partnership that sets your business up for long-term success.


Debunking Common Bookkeeping Myths That Could Hurt Your Business