The 8 Things I Do Every January (Resolutions Not Included)

Ah, January – the grand premiere of the year! It's that time brimming with rituals, reflections, and for us entrepreneurs, a moment to unwind with a healthy dose of self-reflection. At Balanced Office Solutions, resolutions don't quite cut it for us. I've scribbled down enough resolutions in the past, only to watch them get swept away in life's whirlwind. So, instead of resolutions, here's my quirky playbook for January, and honestly, throughout the year (because who says these rituals should be limited to just the beginning?):

The Great Desk Cleanse:

Imagine my desk as a battleground for papers, post-it notes, and a constellation of coffee stains. January is my cue to summon my inner Marie Kondo. I declutter like a pro, unearthing treasures (or ancient relics, depending on your perspective) from the remnants of last year's chaos.

The 'Unresolutions' List:

No resolutions here – just an 'unresolutions' list. It's a catalog of things I vow NOT to do. "I will NOT attempt to learn Mandarin overnight," or "I will NOT binge-watch Netflix during office hours," or even "I will not take things personally in business." Trust me, it's liberating.

Vision Boards:

My vision board isn't your typical vision of clarity – it's a delightful mess of magazine cutouts, memes, and sticky notes. It's like a wild collage exploded onto a corkboard. This chaotic masterpiece keeps me fueled with inspiration throughout the year.

Nature's Therapy:

Despite the bone-chilling temperatures, I make it a point to embrace nature. Hiking trails, capturing moments through my lens, and inhaling the frosty air – it's my ultimate sanity savior amidst the hustle.

Setting Clear Business Goals:

With the vigor of a fresh start, I outline tangible goals for Balanced Office Solutions. Whether it's amplifying client services, broadening our horizons, or introducing innovative offerings, having clear objectives guides our path throughout the year.

Team Building and Planning Sessions:

Our team is the heartbeat of Balanced Office Solutions. In January, we unite for strategic planning sessions. It's about aligning everyone with our goals, fostering a sense of unity, and a shared mission.

Professional Development:

Learning is a lifelong adventure at Balanced Office Solutions. In January (post-tax season frenzy, of course), I map out my professional development journey for the year. Be it conferences, coaching sessions, or intriguing webinars, it's about staying ahead in the ever-evolving bookkeeping landscape.

There you have it, a January survival guide without the baggage of resolutions. It's about embracing the chaos, finding humor in the routine, and, of course, keeping things balanced (pun intended).


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